Minéral Montreal: Exquisite Natural Wines Bar

Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Market: Bar/Nightclub


    • Commercial Control
    • Audio
    • Lighting

An exquisite corner nestled in the heart of the Village, where the flavors of the world invite themselves into each glass of wine.

Whether for a romantic evening, a business meeting or a simple nocturnal interlude, this bar is the perfect place. The lights dance to the rhythm of the atmosphere, evoking distant horizons with each turn of the clock. Their evenings are draped in bewitching intimacy, conducive to all encounters.

Immerse yourself in the art of tasting with our selection of natural and organic wines, and let yourself be carried away by the taste of travel with every sip. Mineral, a journey beyond borders, an appointment with life, love and discovery.Minéral Bar / Blanchette Architectes | ArchDailyImage Credits: Arch Daily

Visit Minéral Bar's website HERE for more info.